STEM NA KVADRAT u I. gimnaziji

U šk. god. 2018./19., točnije od 20. 8. 2018. do 19. 8. 2019. u našoj se školi provodi Erasmus+ projekt Stem na kvadrat. Nositeljice su profesorice kemije i biologije, prof. Snježana Liber i prof. Ivana Gambiroža.

Evo sažetka projekta na engleskom jeziku:

I. gimnazija Zagreb wants to improve their STEM field classes. This extremely vital field is important for the development of the society as such and education must keep pace with it. The teaching quality is measured by students’ acquisition of outcomes, i.e., a passive student who is only concentrated on copying from the board is not actually achieving the outcomes. The goal is to design classes where the student is actively participating, researching, cooperating, linking, and coming to conclusions. That is the reason why there is a plan to see into the way how this type of teaching is achieved in some contemporary educational systems that have developed teaching models aimed on the learning outcomes. For this purpose I. gimnazija wants to carry out the KA1 mobility (the job shadowing model) of chemistry and biology teachers, who would follow chemistry and biology teaching processes in Prva gimnazija Maribor twice.
The first mobility would take place in October 2018. The teachers would stay in a working visit to Prva gimnazija Maribor for 5 days. They would follow the teaching processes of biology and chemistry classes with emphasis on the observation of practical work, laboratory work, field work, the creation and the use of teaching materials, and the use of modern technology in teaching. The second mobility, lasting 3 days, is foreseen for the end of the school year (May) and that is when the teachers would see how much of the curriculum was acquired by the Maribor students.
As a result of this mobility program it is expected to get some ideas which can be used in the modernization of biology and chemistry classes in I. gimnazija Zagreb (regular, elective and additional classes) and which can contribute to the creation of additional multidisciplinary content (a correlated biology and chemistry project within the I. gimnazija Project Day). As a result of the applied novelties a greater students’ interest is expected, and thus a higher quality engagement, which will finally lead to better outcomes in the STEM field school subjects.
Besides of the changes in the teaching processes made by the teachers who will attend the mobility program in Prva gimnazija Maribor, it is expected that other I. gimnazija teachers will get up their courage to modernize their classes and to take part in other European mobility programs.

Na uvodnom sastanku 12. 7. 2018. bile su profesorica biologije Ivana Gambiroža, računovotkinja Iva Nola i ravnateljica Dunja Marušić Brezetić.